How I got into this.
Would like to share with my journey into Happy Life Project. A friend approached me and requested me to listen out to him for a few minutes. I was captivated with this project because of "Happy Life". Everyone may have a different view as how to be happy, for me these are some of the prerequisite; great health, freedom to do what & when I love, financial freedom and ability to help others.
Happy Life project is a network marketing basing on products from Unicity. I had never liked direct selling, multi-level & network marketing. Things and circumstances had changed, I tried to keep an open mind while I was "Shown The Plan". I joined anyway, paying $63.60.
I am in between projects, have some free time on hand, had resigned from my previous job and there are delays in the new job. I needed the "compensation" as I do not have any source of income. I can build a passive income and pass it on. It is a low capital startup with excellent support in products and operation. Practically risk free, extremely high on the positive side.
My wife, an Interstitial cystitis patient, am trying to reduce some of her medications like amitriptyline and needed an alkalizer.
Try the products.
I did some research and find that they do have some outstanding products that my family and me can use. I personally tried Clear start 30 and concentrated Chlorophyll powder. It's not that I am playing doctor niether that I am have any complex medical issues, but me being 54 can do with a bit of "cleaning" and unclogging.
This consist of 3 products
Nature's Tea
ParaWay Plus Capsule
This Cleasr Start 30 is designed to help our digestive system to accomplish 3 task essential to good health
Eliminating unwanted organism
Removing toxins
Cleansing our colon
This is to get myself ready for other supplements so that absorption is at maximum level.
This didn't work for me until the third day. I feel slight stomach discomfort and slight pain and you shall know that it is working after taking a look at you poo. You are advised to drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water during this period. While on this, I made a field trip to Sabah, it was still ok as I do the toilet thingy in the morning before going out. The urges usually comes after about 8 hours of consuming Nature's Tea.
What did I get out of this?
After the 30 days, my weight went down by 4 kg, which is not significant, but I find that my bloated tummy is not as bloated and it's softer. Now I know that my colon is cleaner, ready to maximize absorption.
One very significant change is that I had stopped my daily morning ritual of sneezing, which wakes up everyone in the house hold. My wife is extremely happy about this and insisted that I continue on the Chlorophyll.
Speaking of Chlorophyll, my wife (Interstitial cystitis) finds this Chlorophyll very useful as an Alkalizer. She is consuming 4 to 6 times daily. Chlorophyll being rich in magnesium, which is a highly alkaline mineral and so consuming chlorophyll rich foods has a alkalizing effect on the body.
Magnesium is super-important as it helps to deliver much needed oxygen to cells and tissues, bone formation, nerve and muscle function – PLUS – magnesium is critical for our cardiovascular system, digestive system, nervous system, muscles, kidneys, liver, hormone-secreting glands, and brain all rely on magnesium for their metabolic function (source:
Let's see what other products should I try. I welcome your suggestion and if there is a product you feel that you want some feedback, just drop me a line and I shall try it and write a review.
I am extremely happy that Chlorophyll is working for my wife, and did I mentioned that I just received my first check from Unicity? Time for a celebration.
#Detox #Chlorophyll #Unicity #Happy Life Project #Alkalize #Magnesium, #LifeWithInterstytialCystitis