Thursday, October 26, 2017

AgroSol, Carbon Dioxide enhancement in Malaysia.

100% Natural, 100% Organic, 100% Bee Friendly!
Market development of Agrosol in Malaysia
Scientists warn of 'ecological Armageddon' after study shows flying insect numbers plummeting 75%
After 2 spray, new leafs.
Was searching for research papers for Carbon dioxide enhancement in Malaysia and couldn't find much on the internet. Had been checking with my associates and was told, yeah, people are using this in Malaysia.Maybe people that is using this is off line. Since getting on board to promote Agrosol, I need to create more awareness, especially on-line for a long term approach.

Had been relying on the supporting documents on AgroSol's web page and was happy to learn that they are 100% organic and natural. Latest certification is Bees friendly. The basic concept of spraying AgroSol, let it absorbed through the leafs and increase photosynthesis is simple enough and should work.

I went around the apartment spraying AgroSol on my own and the landscaping plants as a trial to see if it works. I find that some of the plants have this waxy leafs and the spray just kind of run off. I then remember that we have to add some surfactant / wetting agent.

Found 2 posting in Facebook, someone had tested it on Figs & Mango. It seems that these plants react differently to AgroSol. The Figs reacted to produce more buds. The Mango produce more leafs.

I bought a fig plant for testing of the AgroSol on fig. Am initiating some trials for Durian, Avocado, Turf grass and Rockmelon. Data should be available soon. Trying to contact more commercial people to do trial. Should you have interest, kindly contact me. Am trying to arrange close to Kuala Lumpur first due to logistic reasons.
Fig, transferred into recycle bag, filled with BioRichField & BioRichar
Testing different concentration on Turf grass.
Theoretically, it should work well. I have limit the variances to

Method of delivery, getting the AgroSol into the stomata.
My thinking is that delivery pressure and water droplet size affects delivery. Temperature and humidity level too. Adding a wetting agent helps and reduce the absorption time from 2 hours.Wetting / sticking agent help in rainfastness. Absorption is also enhanced by spraying to top & bottom side of the leaf. Different plants have different leaf physiology. Some have waxy coating, some have many small hairs, hindering delivery.
AgroSol's literature indicated delivery pressure of 3 to 4 bar and a nozzle diameter of 100 to 300 microns.

Concentration, different concentration for different plants.
AgroSol's literature indicated 1:66 to 1:266 and just a fine layer. My office suggested 1:400 to 1:600. I am still trying to find out what concentration work best for what plants. Optimizing the concentration, based on plants and stage of growth.

Start spraying
AgroSol's literature indicates we can start spraying from the 2 leaves stage. At 10 to 14 days interval. I am in the opinion of optimizing frequency to the stage of growth & types of plants. My initial trials for rockmelon suggested that we need to increase frequency as the growth rate is rather fast (75 days cycle). For these fast growing plants, we can do more (photosynthesis) to more leaves in between the 14 days. I also feel that the current health condition prior to spraying also affects the out come. A plant in not good health shall need to recuperate first before new growth.

Expecting so data to be available in the coming weeks. Also expecting to do more trials on different plants. Stay tune.

#Agrosol #Organic #Natural #BeeFriendly 
Tested in Malaysia for #AvocadoFriendly #GrapeFriendly #DurianFriendly#MangoFriendly #RockmelonFriendly #PapayaFriendly #TurfFriendly #FigFriendly

Monday, October 23, 2017

Hot Weather, what has it got to do with AgroSol?

Malaysians, Brace Yourselves For Hot Weather In The Upcoming Days

Published on Monday, 23 October 2017 12:07

Friday, October 20, 2017

Carbon Dioxide Enrichment

CO2 and Plants

It’s important to note that a plant needs and uses CO2 only during daylight hours. And the
more light that’s made available to a plant, the more CO2 it needs for photosynthesis. It is in this process that the carbon-fixing reaction occurs, splitting CO2 molecules into carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) to create food for the plant in the form of sugars and starches.
CO2 is measured in ppm (parts per million). Ambient CO2 levels in the outdoor atmosphere average about 300 to 400 ppm, which is adequate for plants growing in nature. 
With the advent of home greenhouses and indoor growing under artificial lights and the developments in hydroponics in recent years, the need for CO2 generation has drastically increased. Plants growing in a sealed greenhouse or indoor grow room will often deplete the available CO2 and stop growing. The following graph will show what depletion and enrichment does to plant growth:
Below 200 PPM, plants do not have enough CO2 to carry on the photosynthesis process and essentially stop growing. Above 2,000 PPM, CO2 starts to become toxic to plants and above 4,000 PPM it becomes toxic to people.
It had also been ascertained that at higher light intensity, the plants can process more of CO2. Starting from sun rise,  photosynthesis increases and peak during midday, goes through a midday depression, recovers, then drop down and stop at sun set.

There are several common methods of generating extra amounts of CO2:
1. Burning hydrocarbon fuels2. Compressed, bottled CO23. Dry ice4. Fermentation5. Decomposition of organic matter
6. AgroSol Pure Plant Energy.

What is AgroSol?

AGROSOLution is a mixture of finely ground minerals containing a high concentration of CO2

Click HERE to find out more about AgroSol. Or contact me for collaboration. Thank you..