Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Farm Management

Back to work on the Farm after a very enjoyable short break. Wife and in-laws came for a short visit. Took them around, visiting popular tourist spots. Had a great time with plenty of fun, tasty seafood and adventure.

Finished analyzing the accounts and data. Our trial on Parcel 5, our Little Farm, shows that our business model is sound, achievable, sustainable and feasible. Making plans to move forward to phase two, by bringing this to our other Parcel, 1, 2, 3 and 6.

Our progress basing on helping each other, partners, associates, suppliers and helpers to attain a higher income, improve standard of living and building a better future through agriculture had attracted a new helper. He is quitting from his current job as a night security to join us next month. With one hand stronger, we can start putting into places some cash and mid term crops in parcel 6,1 and 3 (in that order) to pave way for more helpers to join us fourth quarter of the year. We need to create a strong foundation now in order for the new helpers to be self sustaining sooner.

Shall be collecting more data to do a planting schedule of crops for the other parcels. Our Redevelopment program for our farms is slightly delayed due to the concentration to test out our business model on Parcel 5, which is a success.

We started to increase one more trip per week of sending produce to the market in the city today. Had a very productive day as everything went smoothly. More updates on our Farm Management later.

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