Hotel Bangi-Putrajaya
Turf Repairing in progress |
Let's go have a round of Golf!
Did a presentation with the Course management people and started a trial for Turf at
Bangi Golf Course Resort on the 4th October 2017. Went around the course to orientate myself with the Assistant Course Superintendent. A big thank you. I understand a little more as Turf to a layman like me is weeds.
I found out that Turf needs to be repaired and lots of efforts and steps are taken to to that. Let along using machines that I had not encountered before.
Turf is practically planted in sand and I was made to understand that there is a sub soil level, which include drainage as well. In-fact layers had to be prepared one by one.
There are also different Turf for different area, like greens, fairways, putting & etc. Name of the turf also sounds so alien to me, as I normally refer them as weeds or grass.
As I had never planted grass before, and had a long though on how to go about this.
Irregular Turf. |
I can out with an idea of making a marked area and do it at a different concentration. After a couple of trails with other plants in Malaysia, I have a hunch that we don't require a high concentration as stated by our principle, or was it that I calculate wrongly...
This is what I came up with. Bought some PVC
pipes and raffles string. I guess yellow is easier to see. We did this in the nursery in 3 sections. Concentration from 1:200 to 1:600. I then sprinkle in some compost, our Richfield, formulation with Micorriza and Super Nano Gel.
Took me about 2 horse to complete. We were recommended to apply AgroSol either in the morning or evening. Most of the time all my trials, my application time is away from the recommended time, as by the time I finished preparing, it's most probably late morning or afternoon.
I left, and schedule my next schedule in 14 days' time.
Note the Turf is practically growing on sand. |
In the mean time I was reckoning, what else can we do for Golf course? I then took time to find out why do they need to grow Turf on sand, which is a poor growing media. It needs lots of nutrients and water to support the Turf. Due to continuous irrigation, we need to manage fungus disease. I found out that Turf is practically growing in a hydroponic method, because it need to drain off water from the course way. Easier to walk for the golfer with soil/ mud sticking onto their shoes.
Green is turf, Red is root zone and Blue is sand. On the right, we insert in a layer of BioRichar |

Can we make the Golf course more green as in less chemical? Can we reduce the workforce required? After discussing with the management, they came up wit a magic number, 30%. If we can have a saving of 30%, yes , they can explore working with us.
After corresponding with the Assistant Superintendent. I proposed that we work with 2 approach. On the top we treat the turf with our Pure Plant Energy, AroSol. On the bottom we try to amend the sand (Soil). Our Richfield is a good candidate. Germany technology, the Mycorriza promotes root growth, right in the root zone. Porosity and Moisture retention is great. Rich with organic matter, inoculated with good effective microbes shall manifest the growth of the EM. Super Nano gel absorb water, retain and release slowly shall greatly reduce irrigation and energy cost. Introducing a thin layer of say 10 to 20 mm in the root zone should have very good long term effect. Hope this shall help us reach our magic figure. Decided to incorporate this on my next visit.
23rd October. As anticipated, the 1:600 shows better performance.
This is the first time I used an auguring tool of this sort. I had initially scheduled half a day for this task. With this tool, it was a breeze and managed to complete in a very short time. But still, age had caught up with me. Needed plenty of rest in between.

I aimed for the root zone depth, replaced some sand with Richfield. 4 holes per slot.
My visit today 3rd November . Check out my video. The round patch is visible. It is effective
The 200, note the round patches. |
The 400, note the round patches. |
The 600, note the round patches. |
Closer up of the 600. |
My visit today, it's drizzling and not suitable for spray AgroSol. Shall come back and continue the trial later part of the month. I personally is very excited as am getting remarkable improvements in 28 days.
Looking forward to optimize further, maybe with a higher range of 1:500, 1:700 and 1:900.
Well, can only do this after my vacation. Stay tune.
AgroSol Grapes results in Malaysia#Agrosol #Organic #Natural #BeeFriendly Tested in Malaysia for #AvocadoFriendly #GrapeFriendly #DurianFriendly #MangoFriendly #RockmelonFriendly #PapayaFriendly
#TurfFriendly #FigFriendly