Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Free Range Kampung Chicken (Malay Village Chicken)

We are trying to restart our stalled Chicken Project @ Parcel 1. Used to have a couple of chickens at Parcel 1, but when we pull out our helpers from staying at Parcel 1, our project was stopped. Those chicken was given off to our ex-partner.

Building material was taken from the abandoned goat project. 
Our short term target is to start off and create a 50 strong colony.

Dismantled the half of the abandon goat pen that we had been using as our store house. As we are building a small chicken coop, these material shall be more than enough.

Our almost completed new chicken coop.
Our almost completed chicken coop. We still need to cover up the exposed sides to prevent strong wind, rain and let the chickens feel safe. Our chickens had starting laying eggs at the boxes that that were left for them. Would like to built some racks with cubicles so that more hens could lay and hatch eggs. Note the piece of zinc across the door. This is a special magic door devised by my partner, to keep out the dogs, yet letting the chicken free to move in & out.

Having 1 cock and 7 hens at the moment. They get to roam freely happily everyday. They are exploring their new home, in the farm and mostly like to rest between the banana trees to escape from the hot afternoon heat. Scratching the soil at the banana trees to catch insects. Happy chickens grow faster.

Some of the hens doing their sand bathing.
The chicken love to do sand bathing and is digging a shallow pen to do these, unfortunately they are doing it at our "five foot way" in front of our shed. We are feeding them with corn, pumpkins and long beans. Thinking of what else we could feed them. Let's hope we get plenty chicks in the next 2 months.


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=SCW22p-huHw

  2. http://grist.org/sustainable-farming/the-story-of-an-egg-video/
