Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Avocado, Field Grafting Part 3

Previously from  Field Grafting Part 2

Field grafting is different game all together, everything is just not within reach. At times even the ground you are standing on is uneven / slippery. I have learned to do grafting on smaller plants on a sitting position, which is more comfortable and safe.

Avocado Tree 2 had taken off.

Avocado Tree 3 still rejecting

Tree 1 & 2 had taken off, tree 3 & 4 are still rejecting. Had tried to do some 'add on' but not successful.

Add on to Avocado tree 3, didn't seems to be doing well.

Tree 1, now plenty leafs.

Moving on to other tree. Am now trying out inverted T grafts. I read that it is suppose to have better chances that the T graft.

The latest field grafting Avocado, before.

Avocado field grafted.

Avocado inverted T graft.

I also did some "approach graft" on the Hass Avocado to our local Borneo Avocado roots, as I find that the Hass may not take on to our humidity that well especially during the raining season.

Hass Avocado, approach graft to local Borneo root.

Hass Avocado seedling left, Borneo Avocado seedling right.
Have to do some more research on Hass, how does it takes on to our Malaysian climate. Hass being the most commercially recognized variety, if we can produce it locally in sufficient amount, we can then have more people enjoying the health benefits of Avocado at a lower cost.

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