Monday, August 7, 2023

Avocado Ripeness Guide Malaysian Edition

 How to Check the Ripeness of an Avocado: Specifically for Bangi 45

Color Test:
The skin of most avocado varieties darkens as it ripens, turning from bright green to a deep green or even purplish-black. However, remember that color alone can be misleading because some avocados remain green when ripe. For Bangi 45, yes it does turn purplish-black.
Feel Test:
Gently squeeze the avocado with your palm without applying pressure from your fingertips, as this can cause bruising.
A ripe avocado will yield slightly under pressure, indicating softness but not mushiness. If it feels hard, it's not ripe yet. If it feels very soft or mushy, it may be overripe. Adjust according depending on your preference. I, Raymond Etc AvocadoBoy prefers softer , but not mushy.
Stem Test:
Flick off the small stem or cap at the top of the avocado.
If the area underneath is bright green, the avocado is good to eat.
If it's brown, the avocado may be overripe.
If the stem doesn't come off easily, it's not ripe yet.
Shake Test:
Shake the avocado next to your ear. If you hear the pit moving around, it might be overripe.
When is an Avocado Ready for Consuming?
Underripe: If the avocado is hard and doesn't yield to gentle pressure, it's underripe. To speed up the ripening process, place it in a brown paper bag with a banana or apple. The ethylene gas emitted by these fruits will accelerate ripening.
Just Right: When the avocado yields to gentle pressure but doesn't feel mushy, it's ready to eat. The flesh should be creamy and green when you cut it open.
Overripe: If the avocado feels very soft, has a rancid smell, or the flesh has dark brown or black spots when cut open, it's overripe and may not be good for consumption.
Remember, individual avocados can vary, so use a combination of the methods above to get the best gauge of ripeness. Enjoy your avocados!
P/s Our Bangi 45 is 100% pesticide free. Personal guarantee from Raymond Etc AvocadoBoy. All fruits are passionately individually wrapped and check from time to time for 6 months. Pest if any, are dislodged with high pressure water spray, no pesticides.

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