Monday, April 21, 2014

Avocado Cuttings Trial 2.

Did a second trial for the Avocado cuttings.
This batch was bigger and more. I didn't pay to much attention on cutting selection as it's of no cost to me, but I do discard those that I feel that do not stand a chance, like section where there are no buds or new growth especially tip.

Started to use the rooting hormone liquid from Thailand, unfortunately has used up and have to use back the local available powder type. Should had bought more in Thailand.

I started off just sealing the top. I then apply more liberally on the tree dressing to seal up more of the cutting especially the side.

The other thing that I did was to increase the density.

 While I'm at it, I tried some mango cuttings too. Shall check back on these middle of May. I was figuring if this works, then I may have an alternative to propagate more planting materials.


  1. A great experiment. Can you share with me how to use the Thailand liquid rooting hormone? I just bought it and it is all in Thai language, really don't know how to use it. Thank

  2. Hello Ravor, thank you for taking time to read my blog. I just transfer the liquid to another bottle as not to contaminate / dirty the whole thing. I just dip the cutting ( slanting to maximize the coverage). I like the thai hormone as it's thick and don't drip off much.

  3. Thanks so much Raymondetc.So, how long do you dip the cutting? don't you dilute with water? Yeah, I did try dipping the cuttings of some flower plants without diluting with water. So far, it seems working well with Jasmine only. For magnolia and rose, m waiting to see its progress (not yet grow anyth and not die too). I am not sure about liquid hormone (first time to try) too much but mostly it is thick and needs to dilute.

  4. Ravor, I don't dilute with water. I just dip it a couple of seconds just to coat it. The other thing is that I do not use the plant it self to stick it into the soil. I use a rod to make a hole 1st, then put in the cutting. Had never tried on flowers :-)

  5. Yeah, I did the same but maybe dip too long. I think my rooting hormone liquid does not work well (even dilute or not). I should try another brand if I can find. Really wanna buy a Powder kind but it does not have here :-). I did lots of researches about Propagation but it is not successful yet. I wanna try on big tree too but it is not safe for fruit tree to use Rooting Hormone.

  6. how is it going ? Has it worked? I have 3 cuttings following your instructions and the stems are still green which should mean it is fighting hard to root.

    1. Mine didn't work. :-( I had one that survived a couple of months then died off. I find them pretty hard to root.
      Good news is that a friend had successfully air layered avocado. He had done 4 plants now. Yesh, I would love to try it too as I wasn't successful the last time.
