Sunday, August 11, 2013

Identifying Variety Of Jackfruit Trees (Artocarpus heterophyllus).

Had been trying to identify the variety of the Jackfruit tree in our Little farm. Found this chart from our Agriculture Department. It's the Popular Jackfruit varieties in Malaysia.

This is of the the tree. I had it pruned (half way) a few weeks ago. Couldn't manage to do topping as I couldn't climb up and was exhausted trying. Shall most probably complete the pruning before I go on leave.

Tree number 1.

This tree fits the description of J 32 (Mantin). Hope I got it right.
Elliptically shaped, dark green leafs, and edges slightly wavy.  
Tip of leaves are long.
As for the fruit, I've couldn't remember.
Oblong-shaped and skin color is yellowish green.
Dented shoulder.

Flesh color is orange yellow, thick, solid, less sweet and grainy, moderately coarse. 
Commented as compressed, with little straw.

Tree number 2, by the creek.

This could be J29. I see there are 2 types of leafs on this tree, roundish and elliptic.
Elliptic, dark green leaves, hairy on under the surface and edges slightly choppy. Leafs is similar to J31 but have a longer stalk.
Fruit shaped globular and skin green. (I see the fruit as yellowish green)
Dent shoulder. Flesh color orange yellow, thick, large, firm, sweet fine and grainy. Commented as compressed with little straw.

Had just purchased 4 plants of Nanka Madu (Honey Jackfruit) from a local nursery, Yeoh's Nursery. Pretty nice chap. Had these planted about a month ago, hope to abstract scion from those 4 plants later. 3 of them are doing well, 1 had almost all the leafs dropped, but new butts are growing.
New plant number 1.

New plant number 2.

New plant number 3.

Plant number 4, the not too well plant, had all the leaves dropped, except 3 leaves left. I do see new butts growing.

New plant number 4.

All the 4 new plants has the 'trade mark' of dome shape tip. So this is definitely Honey Jackfruit / Nangka Madu/ Tekam Yellow/ J33.
 Elliptic, dark green and edges slightly choppy. Some leaves have the dome like on tip end of the leafs.
Fruit is oblong-shaped and is green yellowish. Shoulder dented. Flesh is yellow, thin, soft, very
sweet and crunchy. Commented as compressed.

Let's let them grow for a while.


  1. Dear Friend,

    I'm Shree Padre, a farmer and Journalist from India. We are running a farm monthly in vernacular since 25 years. Jackfruit is a priority subject.

    Congrats for your blog. Very few farmers write about their farming experiences. You offer to write both your successes and failures.This is commendable.Please accept my hearty good wishes for success in both farming & blogging.

    I couldn't get your correct name & e-mail. We will have lot of information to exchange, I hope. Please mail me back to

    With Regards
    Shree Padre

    1. Hello Shree,
      Thank you for your kind comment. I would love to share and exchange whatever information that is available.

      I can be contacted via Looking forward to your correspondence.


  2. Thank you Azmi. I had fertilized the new sapling with chicken dung, organic fertilizer (growth) and foliar spray of Nutra-Phos N (Halex) twice. They are responding well and am already harvesting scion for grafting. The Old 2 tress are fertilized with chicken dung and organic fertilizer (fruiting). These 2 trees had been neglected for a couple of years.
    Am also harvesting scion for grafting.

  3. Hello Raymond, I would be interested to see how you do the harvesting of scion and grafting. I have always wanted to learn however its either excuse(on my part) or lack of opportunities.
    Nothing beats it being shown, step by step, especially the correct practices.
    Thank you.

  4. Bonjour raymond merci pour toute ces informations c'est vraiment super ! Moi même qui essay de greffer un jackfruit mais aucun résultat de bon jy arrivé pas , comment tu récolte les greffons et à quel moment où mois pour pratiquer la greffe merci d'avance pour votre réponse,

  5. Dear Mr Raymondetc
    Thank you for creating blog for Jack fruit plant identification.
    With your vast experience on Jack fruit, could you please suggest me dwarf, high yielding,early bearing (2 years) with good quality attributes suitable to high density planting and fit IQF,Freeze dried and retort processing
    Best regards
    Dr.P.Chowdappa Former Director CPCRI Kasaragod
